Who am I, what do I do and why am I here?

Hello, welcome to my website! I hope it will help you to learn more about who Vicente Royo Pineda, known as Vicente Pineda, is, his life and his motivations in a closer and clearer way.

Let’s start at the beginning. I was born in Granada, a historical city in the south of Spain, in 1999 where I have lived most of my life and where I have studied Business Administration and Management, at the University of Granada (UGR). I currently live in Barcelona, ​​working as a People Operations Intern at Glovo 🎈.

I have always considered myself a fighter and resilient person, without fear of adversity or going out of my comfort zone, capable of achieving any challenge that is proposed. And this is why I work hard, day by day, on the challenges and goals that I set for myself, no matter how insignificant they may seem. In large part, this is linked to my competitiveness which, as a player de basketball, I have developed and transferred to all aspects of my life.

I am a team player, not only in sports but also professionally and personally. And it is for this reason, that I work much better when I am part of a group, the more varied the better. Since the true wealth of humanity is born from diversity. In addition, for more than 4 years I have been voluntary in numerous organizations and associations. In these, I learn from all kinds of people and their experiences while contributing my grain of sand to each of these causes.

Throughout my life, I have had the opportunity to enjoy some work experiences, which have helped me to get to know myself and decide what I would like to dedicate myself to. I explain all this more widely in the section about my life professionals.

Skills, abilities and experiences

In this section, I would like to review some of the technical skills that I do not develop in the subsequent sections of the page web.


In recent years I have had the opportunity to acquire the following computer skills, some of which I have implemented on this website.

Languages and experiences abroad

I have managed to access various scholarships and programs, which have allowed me to live and study abroad. Accumulating, today, almost 12 months in the United Kingdom, in the cities of Edinburgh and Chichester, and a few weeks in Antwerp, Belgium. Thanks to this, I have been able to improve my level and knowledge of the English language, while meeting new people and their cultures. This coupled with the 9 years I have completed compulsory education in a French bilingual center.



«I was Vicente’s teammate in Edinburgh University’s basketball team and I was very impressed with his work ethic and competitiveness, which never got in the way of friendship. Having Vicente as a teammate was a pleasure, because he always but the performance of the team before himself and showed his leadership abilities whenever the team needed it. What particularly impressed me about Vicente was the fact that he always managed to stay composed during stressful situations.»

Zeno Kujawa

3rd year student of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh

«I met Vicente in Scotland during my research internship at the University of Edinburgh. Vicente had a reputation for leading workshops on leadership and business management all over the campus. We were on the basketball varsity team, Vicente never failed to work hard, give his all on the floor, and keep the team motivated. This reflected on his character on and off the court.»


Karim Noueihed

Research Assistant at University of Alberta

«During the years that I had him as a classmate, I would highlight his ability to express himself in public and his creativity to solve problems. In addition, I want to emphasize that he knows how to work in a team, and that he is a very optimistic person.»

José William Córdova Pinto

MSc Auditor

I hope you enjoy my website, and it helps you learn more about me. Do not hesitate to contact me using the form that you will find at the bottom of each page, through LinkedIn, Skype or by e-mail to vicenterpineda19@gmail.com.

Click on the button below to go to the section about my academic life. Thank you very much again!